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Publisert 29. november 2009 | Oppdatert 29. november 2009

Den 10. ordinære bispesynoden finner sted i Vatikanet mellom 30. september og 27. oktober 2001. Temaet er biskopenes rolle, og tittelen lyder: "Biskopen som Jesu Kristi evangeliums tjener for verdens håp". I alt 292 medlemmer deltar, derav 247 biskoper, 23 offisielle observatører (auditorer), 16 eksperter og seks delegerte fra andre kirker. Fra den nordiske bispekonferansen deltar biskop Gerhard Goebel MSF av Tromsø.



2001-11-19 14:08 Synod´s Proposals in Line with Magisterium, Report Says

(15. november 2001)
2001-11-05 10:59 Putting God First: Ratzinger Reflects on the Synod
(31. oktober 2001)
2001-11-05 10:18 Plädoyer für Frieden und Gerechtigkeit
(31. oktober 2001)
2001-10-31 14:39 Document: Final Statement of Synod of Bishops (full text)
(26. oktober 2001)
2001-10-30 22:07 Bischofssynode: Enge Kooperation Rom - Teilkirchen gewünscht
(30. oktober 2001)
2001-10-30 22:05 Neuer Bischofsrat für Weltbischofssynode gewählt
(29. oktober 2001)
2001-10-30 21:59 Bishops Chosen for Post-Synod Council
(29. oktober 2001)
2001-10-30 21:56 Synod Closes; Pope Exhorts Bishops
(29. oktober 2001)
2001-10-30 21:55 Cardinal Ratzinger Evaluates Synod of Bishops
(29. oktober 2001)
2001-10-30 21:54 15 on Postsynodal Council to Help Pope with Final Document
(29. oktober 2001)
2001-10-30 21:53 John Paul II Closes the Synod of Bishops
(27. oktober 2001)
2001-10-30 21:52 The Final Message From the Synod of Bishops
(26. oktober 2001)
2001-10-30 21:51 Twenty-Fifth General Congregation
(26. oktober 2001)
2001-10-30 21:50 Internal Strife Weakens the Church, John Paul II Warns
(28. oktober 2001)
2001-10-30 21:48 John Paul II's Homily at Closing of Synod of Bishops
(28. oktober 2001)
2001-10-29 15:30 Påven avslutar biskopssynoden: "En biskop måste våga försvara läran"
(27. oktober 2001)
2001-10-28 18:57 Der 11. September prägte auch die römische Weltbischofssynode
(28. oktober 2001)
2001-10-28 18:56 Papst zieht Positivbilanz der Weltbischofssynode
(28. oktober 2001)
2001-10-27 12:40 Synod Bishops Issue Final Statement
(26. oktober 2001)
2001-10-27 12:36 A Plea for Peaceful Coexistence in Jerusalem
(26. oktober 2001)
2001-10-27 12:36 Bishop Needs Holiness Above All, Final Message Says
(26. oktober 2001)
2001-10-27 12:35 Synod Proposes Christian Hope in Times of Terrorism
(26. oktober 2001)
2001-10-27 11:32 Greek-Melkite Patriarch's Statement to Synod
(26. oktober 2001)
2001-10-27 11:31 Synod's Final Message on Figure of the Bishop
(26. oktober 2001)
2001-10-27 11:30 Pope Welcomes Catholic Patriarchs Participating in Synod
(26. oktober 2001)
2001-10-27 11:29 Twenty-Fourth General Congregation
(26. oktober 2001)
2001-10-27 11:28 Twenty-Third General Congregation (25. oktober 2001)
2001-10-27 11:27 Synod As Opportunity for Bishops to Get to Know Each Other (25. oktober 2001)
2001-10-27 11:23 2 Eastern Leaders Talk About Unity with Orthodox (25. oktober 2001)
2001-10-27 11:18 What the Synod Has Been Talking About (24. oktober 2001)
2001-10-27 10:43 New Yorks Kardinal verlässt vorzeitig Weltbischofssynode
(25. oktober 2001)
2001-10-27 10:39 Bischofssynode endet mit Friedensappell und Verurteilung von Terror
(26. oktober 2001)
2001-10-24 19:48 Preparation of Collective Amendments to the Propositions (24. oktober 2001)
2001-10-24 19:43 Eastern Prelates Say Their Traditions Important in Synod Discussion (23. oktober 2001)
2001-10-24 19:42 Synod of Bishops to Conclude Saturday (23. oktober 2001)
2001-10-24 19:41 Cardinal Egan, Synod General Relator, To Return to U.S. (23. oktober 2001)
2001-10-23 10:51 Synod Enters the Homestretch (22. oktober 2001)
2001-10-23 10:40 Kardinal Martini: Auslöschung des Terrorismus legitim
(23. oktober 2001)
2001-10-22 17:39 Twenty-second General Congregation (22. oktober 2001)
2001-10-22 17:33 Welt-Bischofssynode in ihrer Schlussphase
(22. oktober 2001)
2001-10-21 09:56 Why Subsidiarity Doesn't Apply to Episcopal Power (20. oktober 2001)
2001-10-20 20:55 Italian President Addresses Synod (19. oktober 2001)
2001-10-20 19:35 Earlier Retirement Would Thin the Ranks of the Synod (19. oktober 2001)
2001-10-20 19:34 Twenty-First General Congregation (19. oktober 2001)
2001-10-20 19:33 Bishops' Synod to Issue Strong Condemnation of Terrorism (18. oktober 2001)
2001-10-20 19:30 Synod Emphasizing Bishop as Teacher of the Faith (17. oktober 2001)
2001-10-20 19:28 Language Groups Meeting to Prepare Propositions (17. oktober 2001)
2001-10-20 19:27 Twentieth General Congregation (16. oktober 2001)
2001-10-20 19:25 Nineteenth General Congregation (16. oktober 2001)
2001-10-20 18:51 Bischofssynode: Ökumene und Dialog mit Islam im Vordergrund
(19. oktober 2001)
2001-10-20 18:50 Italiens Präsident betont vor Bischöfen "allen gemeinsame Werte"
(19. oktober 2001)
2001-10-20 18:26 Weltbischofssynode bereitet Botschaft an die Menschheit vor
(17. oktober 2001)
2001-10-17 08:33 Synod Takes Time to Observe Pope's Anniversary (16. oktober 2001)
2001-10-17 08:32 Synod Focuses on Methodology and Roman Curia (16. oktober 2001)
2001-10-16 08:54 Key Reports Due Tuesday as Synod Sharpens Its Focus (15. oktober 2001)
2001-10-15 15:27 Language Groups Meet Today (15. oktober 2001)
2001-10-15 15:26 Relatio Post-disceptationem (12. oktober 2001)
2001-10-15 10:21 Synod Presents Summary of Main Themes on Role of Bishop (12. oktober 2001)
2001-10-15 10:17 World´s Peace Depends on Education, Angolan Says (12. oktober 2001)
2001-10-15 10:16 Communion, Rather Than Subsidiarity, Is Key Word, Synod Told (12. oktober 2001)
2001-10-15 09:58 Auf der Suche nach dem Bischof der Zukunft
(14. oktober 2001)
2001-10-15 09:55 Kardinal Danneels: Synode muss reformiert werden
(14. oktober 2001)
2001-10-12 15:52 Eighteenth General Congregation (12. oktober 2001)
2001-10-12 15:52 Seventeenth General Congregation (11. oktober 2001)
2001-10-12 14:42 Bischof beklagt Islamisierungskampagne im Sudan
(12. oktober 2001)
2001-10-12 14:42 Kardinal-Staatssekretär Sodano verteidigt römische Kurie
(12. oktober 2001)
2001-10-12 10:02 Anglican Representative Speaks Up for Papal Primacy (11. oktober 2001)
2001-10-12 10:01 A Voice from an Absent China (11. oktober 2001)
2001-10-12 10:00 Sudan´s Painful Plight Spelled Out for Synod (11. oktober 2001)
2001-10-12 09:53 John Paul II Recalls "Inhuman Terrorist Attacks" (11. oktober 2001)
2001-10-12 09:52 Non-Catholic Delegates Address Synod of Bishops (11. oktober 2001)
2001-10-12 09:51 Pope Leads Prayer for Victims of Terrorist Attack (11. oktober 2001)
2001-10-11 17:39 Ökumene-Tag bei der vatikanischen Bischofssynode
(11. oktober 2001)
2001-10-11 15:24 Sixteenth General Congregation (11. oktober 2001)
2001-10-11 15:23 Fifteenth General Congregation (11. oktober 2001)
2001-10-11 15:13 Bischöfe fordern Solidarität zwischen reichen und armen Diözesen
(11. oktober 2001)
2001-10-11 10:11 Oct. 11 Is Special Day of Prayer for Synod and Pope (10. oktober 2001)
2001-10-11 10:10 Danger Seen in Fundamentalist Muslim States (10. oktober 2001)
2001-10-10 22:46 Bosnian Cardinal Worried at Divisions Caused by Medjugorje (10. oktober 2001)
2001-10-10 22:45 Synod of Bishops to Observe Attack Anniversary (10. oktober 2001)
2001-10-10 15:08 Meeting of Language Groups (10. oktober 2001)
2001-10-10 15:07 Fourteenth General Congregation (9. oktober 2001)
2001-10-10 15:03 Wachsender Chor von Bischöfen verlangt mehr Kollegialität
(10. oktober 2001)
2001-10-09 22:21 Collegiality Theme of Synod Discussions (9. oktober 2001)
2001-10-09 22:16 Synode: Vorgehen gegen fundamentalistische Regierungen gefordert
(9. oktober 2001)
2001-10-09 16:44 Thirteenth General Congregation (9. oktober 2001)
2001-10-09 16:43 Twelfth General Congregation (8. oktober 2001)
2001-10-09 16:42 Scottish Bishops Propose Earlier Retirement Age (8. oktober 2001)
2001-10-09 16:40 Remarkable Addresses and Suggestions to Synod of Bishops (8. oktober 2001)
2001-10-09 14:27 Lehmann: Bischof muss dialogbereit und offensiv verkündigen (9. oktober 2001)
2001-10-09 14:26 Kardinal Agre fordert mehr Aufmerksamkeit für Probleme Afrikas (9. oktober 2001)
2001-10-09 10:02 Danneels für "starken Papst und starkes Bischofskollegium" (9. oktober 2001)
2001-10-09 09:59 Weltsituation: Friedensappell der Bischofssynode (8. oktober 2001)
2001-10-08 16:04 Eleventh General Congregation (8. oktober 2001)
2001-10-08 16:03 Tenth General Congregation (6. september 2001)
2001-10-08 16:01 Ninth General Congregation (5. oktober 2001)
2001-10-07 23:34 Eighth General Congregation (5. september 2001)
2001-10-07 23:33 Seventh General Congregation (4. oktober 2001)
2001-10-07 23:27 Ratzinger: Menschen wollen Botschaft Jesu, nicht Kirchenprobleme (7. oktober 2001)
2001-10-07 23:27 Synode: Für die Kirche gibt es keine Fremden (6. oktober 2001)
2001-10-07 23:26 Synode: Ostkirchen als Vorbilder (5. oktober 2001)
2001-10-05 14:26 Biskop Goebel från Tromsö om biskopssynoden: "Mer subsidiaritet"
(1. oktober 2001)
2001-10-04 16:21 Terror: Patriarch Sabbah fordert Aufdeckung der Wurzeln (4. oktober 2001)
2001-10-04 16:20 Kothgasser hofft auf Ausgleich zwischen Universal- und Ortskirche (4. oktober 2001)
2001-10-04 16:07 Synod of Bishops Discuss Dialogue (3. oktober 2001)
2001-10-04 16:06 Names of Language Group Moderators (4. oktober 2001)
2001-10-04 16:05 Sixth General Congregation (4. oktober 2001)
2001-10-04 16:04 Fifth General Congregation (3. oktober 2001)
2001-10-03 15:38 Fourth General Congregation (2. oktober 2001)
2001-10-03 15:32 Kardinal Hummes: Selbstverteidigung darf nicht zu Krieg führen (3. oktober 2001)
2001-10-03 15:31 Meisner: Bischof muss sagen, was richtig und falsch ist (3. oktober 2001)
2001-10-03 10:10 A New Tool, an Ancient Language (2. oktober 2001)
2001-10-03 10:09 Martyrdom on Home Turf a Possibility Today, Cardinal Warns (2. oktober 2001)
2001-10-03 10:08 Cardinal Meisner Tells Why He Thinks Bishops Lack Credibility (2. oktober 2001)
2001-10-03 10:07 How Should Pope, Bishops and Episcopal Conference Relate? (2. oktober 2001)
2001-10-02 18:59 Bischofssynode: Egan fordert in Eröffnungsrede Prinzipientreue (2. oktober 2001)
2001-10-02 18:58 Papst warnt vor Hass und Rache (30. september 2001)
2001-10-02 18:52 Cardinal Egan Describes What a Bishop Should Be (1. oktober 2001)
2001-10-02 18:50 Third General Congregation (2. oktober 2001)
2001-10-02 18:49 Second General Congregation (1. oktober 2001)
2001-10-02 18:48 First General Congregation (1. oktober 2001)
2001-10-02 18:47 John Paul II Inaugurates Synod of Bishops (30. september 2001)
2001-10-02 18:46 Document: General Relator's Report Before Start of Synod's Discussions (1. oktober 2001)
2001-10-02 18:44 Document: Words of Solidarity After Attack on New York (1. oktober 2001)
2001-10-02 18:43 Document: Pope's Homily at Solemn Inauguration of Synod (1. oktober 2001)
2001-10-02 18:42 In Times of Terrorism, Bishop Is Crucial Witness of Hope (1. oktober 2001)
2001-10-02 18:41 N.Y. Cardinal Says Vengeance Isn't an Answer for Sept. 11 (1. oktober 2001)
2001-10-02 18:39 The Questionnaire That Helped Set the Stage for Synod (30. september 2001)
2001-10-02 18:37 An Asian Cardinal's View on the Synod (30. september 2001)
2001-10-02 18:36 Religious Illiteracy Seen as a Key Challenge for Bishops (30. september 2001)
2001-10-02 18:35 Embrace Poverty, Pope Urges as Synod of Bishops Opens (30. september 2001)
2001-10-02 18:34 Bishops' Synod May Examine the Very Way It Operates (28. september 2001)
2001-10-02 15:48 Das Bischofsamt auf dem Prüfstand (30. september 2001)
2001-10-02 15:47 Bischofssynode berät über Rolle des Bischofs (28. september 2001)
2001-10-02 15:45 Bishops' Synod Opens: Outline of Themes (1. oktober 2001)
2001-10-02 15:44 Synods Since Vatican II (30. september 2001)