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Publisert 6. januar 2011 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

VATICAN, Oct 29, 01 (CWNews.com) - The 10th Synod of Bishops closed on Saturday, October 27, and Pope John Paul thanked the prelates for their work.

The Holy Father was the principal celebrant at a closing Mass in St. Peter's Basilica, with dozens of patriarchs, cardinals, and bishops concelebrating. In his homily, the Pope said that the message of the Synod-- which deliberated on the role of the diocesan bishop-- is summed up in the image of the Good Shepherd, "who, configured to Christ in sanctity, spends himself generously for the Church that is entrusted to him, while at the same time bearing care in his heart for all the churches around the world."

There were 238 Synod fathers present at the closing liturgical celebration. Although 247 had participated, several left Rome early to be with their people because of the international crisis. The Pope also sent his greetings to the Chinese bishops who had been prevented from attending the Synod.

In his homily the Pope emphasized the duty of bishops to "have the courage to teach and defend the true doctrine" of the Church. That role is particularly important today, "because of a mentality based on human criteria" that often rejects the demands of God's law.

The Pontiff reminded the Synod fathers of the 15 bishops who were canonized during the 20th century, including St. Robert Bellarmine (a Doctor of the Church) and the eight Vietnamese bishops who were martyrs. Their example, he said, should encourage today's bishops toward "an every greater commitment to be servants of the Gospel and of hope in the world."

Catholic World News Service - Daily News Briefs
29. oktober 2001

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