Publisert 29. november 2009
Oppdatert 29. november 2009
Et av de største høydepunktene i feiringen av Det hellige år 2000 i Roma står for døren. Opptil 1½ millioner unge katolikker fra 160 land ventes til den 15. Verdensungdomsdagen mellom 15. og 20. august 2000. Høydepunktene blir de to seremoniene med paven på det store universitetsområdet Tor Vergata litt utenfor Roma: En bønnevake om kvelden den 19. august og avslutningsmessen dagen etter. Da vil paven feire messen sammen med 650 kardinaler og biskoper på en 150 meter bred og åtte meter høy plattform.
Artikler og budskap
- Pavens preken under bønnekvelden 19. august 2000
- Pavens tale til verdens ungdom 2000
- "Ordet ble kjød og tok bolig iblant oss" - Budskap fra den Hellige Far til verdens ungdom i anledning den femtende verdensungdomsdagen
- 150 norske ungdomar på pilegrimsreise til Roma [Vårt Land] 10. august 2000
2000-09-04 13:56 Weltjugendtreffen war Signal gegen Nationalismus
(31. august 2000)2000-09-04 13:04 Russian Experience of World Youth Day (29. august 2000)
2000-08-28 14:21 Papst: Weltjugendtag wirkt nach (28. august 2000)
2000-08-28 14:15 World Youth Day Lessons (27. august 2000)
2000-08-28 14:14 «Thank You, Rome» (27. august 2000)
2000-08-27 21:14 Youths Left $30,000 in Tor Vergata (25. august 2000)
2000-08-27 21:13 Biblical Scholar Comments on World Youth Day (24. august 2000)
2000-08-24 14:47 Canada i gang med forberedelsene til neste Verdensungdomsdag (24. august 2000)
2000-08-24 14:44 Paven minnes verdensungdomsdagen i generalaudiens (24. august 2000)
2000-08-24 11:20 Två miljoner på Trons laboratorium i Tor Vergata (21. august 2000)
2000-08-23 19:02 Organizer Sees Rich Fruits of Youth Gathering (23. august 2000)
2000-08-23 19:01 Pope Reflects on «Unforgettable» World Youth Day (23. august 2000)
2000-08-23 18:53 Vatican, Rome Quiet After Youth Day Excitement (22. august 2000)
2000-08-23 18:51 Prelates Reflect on World Youth Day Impact (21. august 2000)
2000-08-23 18:50 World Youth Day Concludes - Past All Expectations (21. august 2000)
2000-08-23 18:49 Cardinal Stafford Evaluates World Youth Day (22. august 2000)
2000-08-23 18:49 Cardinal Ambrozic: «We Await You in Toronto» (22. august 2000)
2000-08-23 18:48 5,000 Decide to Consecrate Their Lives to God after World Youth Day (22. august 2000)
2000-08-23 18:47 Secular Press and World Youth Day (22. august 2000)
2000-08-23 18:46 70,000 Neo-Catechumens Cross Holy Door (21. august 2000)
2000-08-23 18:46 World Youth Day Continues on Internet (21. august 2000)
2000-08-23 18:45 World Youth Day in Numbers (21. august 2000)
2000-08-23 18:44 «In the Presence of Youths, the Pope Gives the Best of Himself» (21. august 2000)
2000-08-23 18:43 Rome's Mayor Francesco Rutelli Comments on World Youth Day (21. august 2000)
2000-08-23 18:42 John Paul II: «World Youth Day Was an Unforgettable Event» (23. august 2000)
2000-08-23 18:15 «Laboratorium des Glaubens» im römischen Circus Maximus (23. august 2000)
2000-08-23 18:14 Papst: Weltjugendtag übertraf meine Erwartungen (23. august 2000)
2000-08-23 18:13 Stafford: Weltjugendtag Symptom für tief greifende Veränderung (23. august 2000)
2000-08-23 18:12 Der Erfolg des 15. Weltjugendtags kam nicht aus heiterem Himmel (22. august 2000)
2000-08-23 18:11 Kreuz des Weltjugendtags wird nach Kuba gebracht (22. august 2000)
2000-08-23 15:49 Neste katolske Verdensungdomsdag i Toronto i 2002 (20. august 2000)
2000-08-21 15:09 Gitarrespieler, Boten des Glaubens, Märtyrer (21. august 2000)
2000-08-21 15:08 Kardinal Rivera: Kirchliche Moral anders verkünden (21. august 2000)
2000-08-21 10:25 Two Million Apostles for New Millennium (20. august 2000)
2000-08-21 10:24 Papal Homily in World Youth Day Closing Mass (20. august 2000)
2000-08-21 10:23 First Laos Delegation to Papal Meeting (20. august 2000)
2000-08-21 10:22 Chinese Mainland Youths Attend World Youth Day (20. august 2000)
2000-08-21 10:21 Youth Cross to go to Cuba (20. august 2000)
2000-08-21 10:20 Arab Youths Pray for Peace during World Youth Day (20. august 2000)
2000-08-20 17:45 Der alte Papst als Prophet einer neuen Generation (20. august 2000)
2000-08-20 17:44 Der Papst vertraut auf die Jugend (20. august 2000)
2000-08-20 17:43 Holy Father's Homily at World Youth Day Vigil (19. august 2000)
2000-08-20 17:41 World Youth Day Theme Song: "Emmanuel" (19. august 2000)
2000-08-20 17:40 Youths Must Undergo "Martyrdom" of Going Against The Current (19. august 2000)
2000-08-20 09:22 Mehr als 3.500 Medienvertreter beim Weltjugendtag in Rom (20. august 2000)
2000-08-20 09:21 Papst Johannes Paul II. lädt die Jugend ein, Idealen zu folgen (19. august 2000)
2000-08-19 23:32 Jugendliche aus China heimlich beim Weltjugendtag (19. august 2000)
2000-08-19 23:31 Zwei Millionen Jugendliche warten auf Papst Johannes Paul II. (19. august 2000)
2000-08-19 12:25 Rom: Singen, Beten, Schlangestehen (19. august 2000)
2000-08-19 12:24 Zwei Millionen Menschen zur Abschlussmesse erwartet (18. august 2000)
2000-08-19 12:23 Zahl der jugendlichen Pilger überschritt Millionengrenze (18. august 2000)
2000-08-19 12:21 Keine Subventionen für Jugendliche von französischer Insel in Afrika (18. august 2000)
2000-08-19 12:20 In Rom fallen beim Weltjugendtag psychologische Mauern (18. august 2000)
2000-08-19 12:20 Papst: Kirche braucht die Jugendlichen (18. august 2000)
2000-08-19 12:18 Youth give Church new hope, prelate says (18. august 2000)
2000-08-19 12:17 Pope receives youth delegations (18. august 2000)
2000-08-19 12:16 St. Peter's overwhelmed by young pilgrims (18. august 2000)
2000-08-19 12:14 Taiwan delegates will reach out to mainland (17. august 2000)
2000-08-19 12:14 Special program for mentally handicapped youth (17. august 2000)
2000-08-19 12:13 Crowds in Rome continue above estimates (17. august 2000)
2000-08-19 12:12 Penance, paryer highlight World Youth Day (17. august 2000)
2000-08-19 12:10 "Look at Jesus," John Paul II says to Cuban youth (18. august 2000)
2000-08-19 12:09 Young pilgrims pray for men trapped in Russian submarine (18. august 2000)
2000-08-19 12:08 World Youth Day is "The largest meeting in history of this city" (18. august 2000)
2000-08-19 12:06 "I gathered up tears in the tent of pardon" (18. august 2000)
2000-08-19 12:05 José Carreras sings for World Youth Day (18. august 2000)
2000-08-19 12:04 Chiara Lubich gathers 25,000 youths at Flamino stadium (18. august 2000)
2000-08-19 12:03 Monumental Way of the Cross overwhelms young pilgrims (18. august 2000)
2000-08-19 12:02 5,000 Chilean youths bring color and joy to Rome (17. august 2000)
2000-08-19 12:01 Taiwan: Bridge to China and non-christians (17. august 2000)
2000-08-19 12:00 Vocations and World Youth Day (17. august 2000)
2000-08-19 11:58 Largest pilgrimage in history (17. august 2000)
2000-08-19 11:55 John Paul II reminds youth how much Church and world need them (17. august 2000)
2000-08-19 11:53 John Paul II dines with youths (17. august 2000)
2000-08-17 22:40 20.000 varje timme genom porten (17. august 2000)
2000-08-17 22:40 Påven: rikedom i olikheter (17. august 2000)
2000-08-17 22:39 Det nya millenniets helgon: de unga (17. august 2000)
2000-08-17 22:32 Jugendliche in Rom sind nicht anfällig für "rechtsradikale Gewalt" (17. august 2000)
2000-08-17 22:31 Beichten und beten bei "Ben Hur" (17. august 2000)
2000-08-17 22:30 Petersdom: Wegen des Andrangs werden weitere Pforten geöffnet (17. august 2000)
2000-08-17 22:29 Weltjugendtage: Gruppenquartiere um 30 Prozent überlastet (16. august 2000)
2000-08-17 22:29 Weltjugendtage: Auch deutsche Protestanten dabei (16. august 2000)
2000-08-17 22:28 Ein Jungbrunnen für den 80-jährigen Papst (16. august 2000)
2000-08-17 22:14 Johannes Paul II. eröffnete 15. Weltjugendtreffen in Rom (15. august 2000)
2000-08-17 22:13 Papst erfreut über Auftakt des Weltjugendtreffens (16. august 2000)
2000-08-17 22:13 Papst: Rom ist für eine Woche Welthauptstadt der Jugend (15. august 2000)
2000-08-17 22:12 3.000 Kilometer mit dem Bus von St. Petersburg nach Rom (15. august 2000)
2000-08-17 22:11 Kardinal wollte hören, was die Jugend bewegt (15. august 2000)
2000-08-17 22:08 Rom: Mehr als ein Mega-Event (14. august 2000)
2000-08-17 22:07 500.000 Jugendliche "eroberten" Rom (14. august 2000)
2000-08-17 22:06 Rom: Kirche will auch "fern stehende" Jugendliche ansprechen (14. august 2000)
2000-08-17 22:06 Papst freut sich auf Weltjugendtage (14. august 2000)
2000-08-17 21:46 World Youth Day talks, pilgrimages begin (16. august 2000)
2000-08-17 21:45 Rome: World's temporary youth capital (16. august 2000)
2000-08-17 21:44 Pope opens World Youth Day celebrations (16. august 2000)
2000-08-17 21:42 World Youth Day crowds exceed estimates (16. august 2000)
2000-08-17 21:41 Site prepared for World Youth Day finale (14. august 2000)
2000-08-17 21:39 300 open air events in Capital of youth (16. august 2000)
2000-08-17 21:38 Rome launches greatest youth catechesis ever (16. august 2000)
2000-08-17 21:37 Confessionals in Circus Maximus (16. august 2000)
2000-08-17 21:36 John Paul II is rejuvenated by youth (16. august 2000)
2000-08-17 21:35 History of World Youth Days (14. august 2000)
2000-08-17 21:34 Odyssey of 3000 Russian youths to attend World Youth Day (14. august 2000)
2000-08-17 21:33 Pope shares confidences with 700,000 youths (14. august 2000)
2000-08-17 21:32 Pope describes Rome as Capital of Youth for a week (15. august 2000)
2000-08-17 21:31 "The Choise Game" at World Youth Day (14. august 2000)
2000-08-17 21:28 World Youth Day enters record books (14. august 2000)
2000-08-15 11:19 Mange unge asiater til Roma (10. august 2000)
2000-08-13 23:25 25.000 frivillige til Verdensungdomsdagene (12. august 2000)
2000-08-13 23:23 Världsungdomsdagen i Rom (12. august 2000)
2000-08-14 12:10 11,000 youths are first pilgrims to view Holy Shroud (13. august 2000)
2000-08-14 12:09 International youth forum prepares International Youth Day (13. august 2000)
2000-08-14 12:08 Media mobilizes world-wide for World Youth Day (13. august 2000)
2000-08-14 12:06 Pope meets 25,000 "Guardian angels" of young pilgrims (13. august 2000)
2000-08-14 12:05 "Providential coincidence" of Holy Shroud exposition (13. august 2000)
2000-08-14 12:04 300 youths from countries at war on pilgrimage together (11. august 2000)
2000-08-14 12:03 First Vietnamese delegation to World Youth Day (11. august 2000)
2000-08-14 12:02 Canadian delegation to World Youth Day to number 4,000 (11. august 2000)
2000-08-14 12:00 Burkina Faso sends 300 youths to World Youth Day (11. august 2000)
2000-08-14 11:42 Spain and France send largest delegations to World Youth Day (11. august 2000)
2000-08-14 11:40 Argentinean and Chilean youth thank Pope for peace (11. august 2000)
2000-08-14 11:39 753 Israelis, Palestinians, and Jordanians attend World Youth Day (11. august 2000)
2000-08-14 11:38 Over 700 Koreans attend World Youth Day (11. august 2000)
2000-08-14 11:37 Chinese Catholic youths not permitted to leave country (11. august 2000)
2000-08-14 11:35 Imposing organization for World Youth Day (11. august 2000)
2000-08-14 11:33 What will John Paul II say to youth? (11. august 2000)
2000-08-14 11:32 Surprises of Jubilee World Youth Day (11. august 2000)
2000-08-14 11:28 Pope closely follows preparations for World Youth Day (10. august 2000)
2000-08-14 11:12 Rom: Glaubensfest der Jugend beginnt (13. august 2000)
2000-08-14 11:11 Weltjugendtreffen: Größte "Massenspeisung" der Geschichte (12. august 2000)
2000-08-12 13:57 Rom: "Zeltstadt" für die Helfer beim Weltjugendtreffen (8. august 2000)
2000-08-12 13:56 Angelo Branduardi singt bei Weltjugendtreffen (8. august 2000)
2000-08-12 13:55 Rom: Der Countdown für die Weltjugendtage läuft (9. august 2000)
2000-08-12 13:54 Weltjugendtreffen: Österreich-Akzent beim "Genfest" der Focolarini (9. august 2000)
2000-08-12 13:53 Protestanten zum katholischen Weltjugendtreffen (10. august 2000)
2000-08-12 13:52 Jugendtreffen: Jugendliche aus aller Welt zu Gast in Italien (10. august 2000)
2000-08-12 13:51 World Youth Day "Angels" arrive in Rome (7. august 2000)
2000-08-12 13:50 Youth invited to ask questions of Pope at World Youth Day (7. august 2000)
2000-08-12 13:48 Follow Pope live during World Youth Day (8. august 2000)
2000-08-11 23:22 Verdensungdomsdagen presentert i Vatikanet (11. august 2000)
2000-08-11 23:20 Italias biskoper tar imot ungdom fra hele verden (11. august 2000)
2000-08-11 23:18 Mer enn 2000 journalister til Verdensungdomsdagene (11. august 2000)
2000-08-11 23:16 Gratis kollektivtransport i Roma under Verdensungdomsdagene (10. august 2000)
2000-08-10 11:32 Også paven huser unge under Verdensungdomsdagen (7. august 2000)
2000-08-08 11:03 Eksilkronprins får ikke visum for valfart til Roma (4. august 2000)
2000-08-02 10:53 I august tilhører Roma den kristne ungdommen (27. juli 2000)