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Publisert 6. januar 2011 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

Allows Youth to Face Consequences of Tough Decisions

ROME, AUGUST 14 (ZENIT.org).- English-speaking World Youth Day pilgrims will have the opportunity to receive free copies of "The Choice Game," which will be handed out at the World/Music Force Stage in Piazza del Popolo on August 17.

The CD, published by the Several Sources Foundation, allows the youth to face life-altering decisions in dating scenarios and follow through with their consequences. Poor choices can lead to depresseion, pregnancy, abortion, or even suicide. The game makes available a priest counselor, an angel, and a demon, who give advice, though these hints and temptations can be put in "ignore" mode, if the player chooses.

The game also permits Internet connectivity, via http://www.thechoicegame.com/ , where a non-denominational version and a demo (requires Microsoft Internet Explorer) are also available.

"We plan to challenge the lies that Planned Parenthood promotes. Their answer to sexual promiscuity is condoms and abortion. They lure young people into trouble and then make them pay for it. Our hope is to entertain and educate the young people at World Youth Day about dating and where it might lead so that they can avoid future problems," said Several Sources Founder, Kathy DiFiore.

DiFiore mission has been getting young women to "stop and think." For 20 years, she has counseled hundreds of sexually active and pregnant teens. Her foundation has five shelters throughout New Jersey to help pregnant girls and their babies, including the destitute and those who have the virus that causes AIDS.

"Nearly 1.5 million teens and young adults are expected at World Youth Day events in and around Rome. The Game is like simulated driver's training for dating where they face life-altering decisions, only it uses computers, audio CD players and the Internet, all of which youth are most interested in," commented Paul Lauer, Publisher of "YOU!," a magazine for Catholic teens based in Los Angeles (one of the co-sponsors of the initiative).

Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director Priests for Life said, "More money is spent in this country to destroy children in the womb then to save them. An outreach like 'The Choice Game,' and the Several Sources Foundation, on which I am proud to serve as a Board Member, makes it clear that people really do have a choice and that they have the strength to choose what is right."

The Nashville-based Gaylord Entertainment company, another co-sponsor, has created a Web site ( http://www.worldyouthday.com/ ) that will carry information about the events in Rome. The site will webcast some of the events live.

Zenit - The World Seen From Rome