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Publisert 6. januar 2011 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

VATICAN, Aug. 16 (CWNews.com) - Pope John Paul II officially inaugurated the celebration of World Youth Day on August 15, greeting young pilgrims in two separate appearances-- first outside the Basilica of St. John Lateran, then in St. Peter's Square.

"Be not afraid," the Holy Father told the hundreds of thousands of youngsters at St. John Lateran. Repeating the words that he had uttered in the first public appearance of his pontificate, he went on to urge the young people to "open wide the doors to Christ. Open your hearts, your lives, your doubts, your difficulties, your joys and sorrows, to his saving power, and let him enter into your hearts."

The Pontiff thanked the dioceses of Italy for their work in preparing for the events of World Youth Day, and arranging accommodations for the many thousands of young people who are flocking to the Eternal City. He urged the Italian hosts to "make their stay in Rome joyful."

"O happy Rome!" the Pope cried out in a loud voice. "Happy, because you have been consecrated by the witness and the blood of the Apostles Peter and Paul! Happy, because that you have preserved that witness and kept it alive, offering it to the world, and in particular now to the world of the rising generation!"

The Pope exchanged a few pleasantries with the crowd at St. John Lateran before entering his Popemobile for the ride across Rome to St. Peter's Square, where he greeted a second large crowd of young pilgrims. When the crowd began chanting, "Viva la papa," he replied with a smile: "The Pope is very much alive!"

The crowd in St. Peter's Square spilled out onto the roads outside the Vatican, and all the way to the Tiber River, as the Pope arrived there for his second formal greeting. He was greeted in turn by several representatives of the young people in the crowd, each making his remarks to the Pontiff in a different language.

"Young people of the entire world, welcome to Rome!" the Pope said. He then went on to list the 159 countries from which pilgrims have come for World Youth Day-- eliciting shouted responses from the young people of each country in turn.

As darkness began to envelop St. Peter's Square, the Pope asked his young audience a question: "What have you come to seek? Or, better, whom have you come to seek?" Then he responded to his own question: "There can be only one answer. You have come to seek Jesus Christ!"

The Pope closed his remarks by urging the young people to model their lives around the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Then he left St. Peter's Square for a helicopter ride back to his summer residence in Castel Gandalfo, where he will remain until he joins the youngsters again for the final events of World Youth Day on Saturday and Sunday at Tor Vergata outside Rome.

Authorities in Rome estimated the crowd in St. Peter's Square at 350,000. As the Pope left, that enormous crowd dispersed, headed for lodging in and around the city. A similar crowd also left the Basilica of St. John Lateran, where they had remained to watch the Pope's second greeting ceremony on large outdoor video screens.

Catholic World News Service - Vatican Update