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Publisert 6. januar 2011 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

CANADA BEGINS PREPARATIONS FOR WORLD YOUTH DAY 2002 "A Challenge and Blessing for Country's Catholics"

ROME, AUGUST 23 (ZENIT.org).- In thanking the Holy Father for his confidence in Canada, entrusting it with the organization of World Youth Day 2002, which will be held in July of that year in Toronto, Bishop Gerald Wiesner of Prince George, President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB), said, "To accept such a meeting is a challenge and a blessing for Catholics in Canada and, with the grace of God, it will generate a significant contribution to the pastoral plan for future generations."

Bishop Wiesner believes that this event will have important consequences for the Catholic Church in his country, according to a statement published by the press office of the Episcopal Conference on August 20. The statement also reveals that preparations are already underway.

"The CCCB made its request to the Vatican two years ago to host WYD 2002 and since then has been quietly planning for the gathering in the event that Toronto was selected. Rev. Thomas Rosica, CSB, the National Director for WYD 2002, has been working with an organizing committee for several months. Many of them have been in Rome since mid-July, getting hands-on experience in organizing such an event," the statement reads.

For some time, Fr. Rosica became a familiar face to reporters who worked in the Press Center of the Roman Jubilee and Chris Radziminski, one of the 15 youths who were the Pope's guests at his summer residence of Castel Gandolfo, is among his "lieutenants."

Welcome: Key Issue: Canada insists on the welcome and personal contact of young pilgrims. "Dioceses across Canada will first host youth from around the world prior to the large gatherings in Toronto, where they are expected to be greeted by the Pope. Young pilgrims from around the world will share in various cultural activities in the dioceses, already considered to be one of the strong points of World Youth Day wherever they are held," the statement continues.

"The budget for World Youth Day 2002 is estimated at around $20 million.

The federal, provincial, and municipal governments have all committed themselves to collaborate in order to make this event a major success," the statement specifies. ZE00082312