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Publisert 6. januar 2011 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

VATICAN, Aug. 16 (CWNews.com) - On August 15, as he greeted young pilgrims at his summer residence on Castel Gandalfo, Pope John Paul II referred to Rome as "the capital of the world of youth."

The Pope was referring to World Youth Day. He made his remarks as a noontime Angelus audience on the feast of the Assumption, just a few hours before traveling to Rome for the formal opening of the Youth Day observances.

"You could say that, beginning today and until next Sunday, Rome will be the capital of the world of youth," the Pope said. His words were broadcast into St. Peter's Square, where the crowd of young people had already begun to gather in anticipation of the evening's ceremony. All roads leading to the Vatican had already been blocked off, leaving only a narrow path for the Pope's own vehicle.

Among the young people who gathered at Castel Gandalfo are 15 people, representing the young people from all over the world, who will be the Pope's personal guests during World Youth Day. The residence at Castel Gandalfo will be a temporary home to 3 pilgrims from Italy, 3 from Congo, 3 from Sri Lanka, 3 from Tahiti, and 3 from Canada.

Catholic World News Service - Vatican Update