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Publisert 6. januar 2011 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

Pontiff Meets Participants of International Forum

CASTEL GANDOLFO, AUGUST 17 (ZENIT.org).- "Take the wealth of the human, spiritual, and ecclesial experience of the Forum with you," the Holy Father said this morning to some 400 youths from 128 countries, who took part in the International Youth Forum that preceded World Youth Day.

The youths represented their Episcopal Conferences (each sending one young man and one young woman) and ecclesial movements, communities, and organizations. This coming Saturday, during World Youth Day's closing Vigil, they will read a statement prepared during the Forum in the presence of the Holy Father.

John Paul II celebrated a Mass for them at 8 a.m. today, in the patio of the apostolic residence of Castel Gandolfo. U.S. Cardinal James Francis Stafford, president of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, attended the Mass, as did Polish Bishop Stanislaw Rylko, secretary of that Council.

During the homily, referring to the experience of the prophet Jeremiah, who was anxious when he received the mission from God to speak in his name, the Pope encouraged the youths, saying: "Do not be afraid to assume your responsibilities: the Church needs you, she needs your commitment and generosity; the Pope needs you and, at the beginning of the millennium, he asks you to take the Gospel on the roads of the world."

After recalling the question the risen Jesus asked Peter: "Do you love me?" the Holy Father said that Jesus asks this same question today to youths: "He does not ask you to be able to speak to the masses, or know how to lead an organization, or administrate goods. He asks you to want him, to love him. All the rest will come later, as a consequence."

John Paul II ended by recommending that youth not forget "that real love places no conditions, does not calculate or recriminate, but simply loves."

Zenit - The World Seen From Rome