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Publisert 6. januar 2011 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

U.S. and European Reporters in Flock To Follow Pope

VATICAN CITY, AUGUST 13 (ZENIT.org).- The media throughout the world has mobilized to follow the World Youth Day second by second. This Jubilee event will be opened by John Paul II on August 15, and he will close it on August 20 with a large-scale outdoor Mass.

As usual with pontifical events, the most complete coverage is being given by RAI, Italian Public Radio and Television. RAI will have live coverage on its three channels of all events featuring the Holy Father, as well as next Friday's Stations of the Cross and Saturday's meeting of a delegation of young pilgrims with Italian President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi. In addition, beginning on Monday, RAI will offer a special daily report summarizing the activities of the day.

The European television channel "Eurovision" will also broadcast live some of the most important events, using the RAI signal.

"The event will be followed especially by regular and foreign correspondents.I have the impression that there is great interest among my colleagues," explained Antonio Pelayo, correspondent for the private Spanish TV station "Antena 3," and president of the Foreign Press Office accredited at the Vatican.

"It is still difficult to give precise information on the number of accredited reporters who will cover the World Youth Day, as requests continue to pour in," disclosed the Assistant Director of the Vatican Press Office, Fr. Ciro Benedittini.

Frances D'Emilio of the Associated Press said, "Our agency will follow the entire week. We have deployed a team of reporters, photographers, and television cameras to give the most complete coverage possible."

"ARD," German State Television will also give ample coverage to World Youth Day, as will "TF1," France's most important private television station. "The entire French press has mobilized. They do not want to repeat their mistake at the last World Youth Day in Paris, when the force of the event caught them by surprise, as they had underrated its importance.

Paola Rolletta, correspondent for Portuguese television, described the World Youth Day as "a truly extraordinary event." "We very much want to have contact with the young people of countries speaking our language. We especially want to report the testimony of youths from East Timor attending the event," she said.

Zenit - The World Seen From Rome