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Publisert 6. januar 2011 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

Hundreds of Letters of Support from ZENIT Readers

ROME, AUG 29 (ZENIT.org).- Bishop Clemens Pickel, Apostolic Administrator of Saratov, Russia, wrote to thank ZENIT readers for the words of encouragement they have sent to Catholic youths in Russia (see ZE00082209). He has already received over 200 emails. He has forwarded several of them to be printed in the Catholic Church in Russia's weekly newspaper, so that the youth will be able to read what is written.

Bishop Pickel also wrote to us about his personal experience of World Youth Day. As the chairman for «Laity, Movements, and Youth» of the Russian Bishops Conference, he was responsibile for organizing the trip of the 400 youth who attended. These young people had a five-day bus trip to arrive in Naples, where they enjoyed Italian hospitality untill the start of World Youth Day.

Bishop Pickel noted, «The catechesis sessions that our archbishop, Thaddeus Kondrusiewicz (August 17), and I (August 18) led left behind a special memory. I was able to administer the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and First Holy Communion to several participants from Russia, including three from my own administration. This was a very moving event for me as well.»

He further mused that about one in ten of the world's bishops were present for the event. «Many details,» he added, «will always remain in my memory, like how a few bishops, joyful and curious like children, jumped onto the edge of the stage to see when the Holy Father's helecopter was landing directly behind it.»

Finally, Bishop Pickel stated, «All in all, I am thankful that we were able to take part in such a great event for the universal Church with youth from Russia. I thank the Lord for the blessing, the Holy Father for the invitation, the Pontifical Council for the Laity (and others) for their support, and the youths for their open hearts. At the end, the Pope announced the 16th World Youth Day in Toronto, Canada, 2002. I hope that them even more active youths from our communities will be able to take part.»

Zenit - The World Seen From Rome