Publisert 29. november 2009
Oppdatert 29. november 2009
Pave Johannes Paul IIs reise til Aserbajdsjan og Bulgaria 22.-26. mai 2002 var hans 96. utenlandsreise.
Besøk gjerne den offisielle nettsiden for besøket i Bulgaria.
2002-06-17 17:37 Bulgaria: Sofia: Unterstützung für neue griechisch-katholische Kathedrale
(31. mai 2002)2002-06-17 17:35 Bulgaria: Bulgarien dankt Papst für Öffnung des Weges in EU und NATO (30. mai 2002)
2002-06-17 17:33 Aserbajdsjan/Bulgaria: Papst zieht positive Bilanz seiner jüngsten Auslandsreise (29. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 22:20 Bulgaria: Relikvie av Johannes XXIII til Sofias katolikker (26. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 22:06 Bulgaria: Paven saligkåret tre martyrprester (26. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 14:43 Bulgaria: John Paul II Bids Farewell to Bulgaria with Joy and Emotion (26. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 14:43 Bulgaria: Pope Improvises Speech, Breaks into Song with Young People (26. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 14:42 Bulgaria: Three Priests Executed by Communist Regime Are Beatified (26. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 14:41 Bulgaria: John Paul II Honors Those Who Endured Persecution (25. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 14:40 Bulgaria: Pope Blesses Cornerstones for New Cathedral in Sofia (25. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 14:08 Bulgaria: Papst aus Bulgarien zurückgekehrt (27. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 14:07 Bulgaria: Document: Pope's Address to Bulgarian Leaders in Culture, Art and Science (26. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 14:06 Bulgaria: Document: Papal Address at Orthodox Monastery of St. John of Rila (26. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 14:05 Bulgaria: Document: John Paul II's Address at Sofia's Latin-Rite Catholic Co-Cathedral (26. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 14:05 Bulgaria: Document: Papal Address at Sofia's Catholic Co-Cathedral of Byzantine-Slavonic Rite (26. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 14:04 Bulgaria: Document: Homily at Mass for Beatification of 3 Bulgarian Martyrs (26. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 14:03 Bulgaria: Document: Papal Address Prior to Recitation of Angelus (26. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 14:02 Bulgaria: Document: John Paul II's Address to Bulgarian Youth (26. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 14:01 Bulgaria: Document: John Paul II's Farewell Address to Bulgaria (26. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 13:58 Bulgaria: Dialog mit Juden und Muslimen: Papst empfing hohe Repräsentanten (27. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 13:57 Bulgaria: Reliquie von Johannes XXIII. für Sofias Katholiken (26. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 13:56 Bulgaria: Noch fehlen die Patriarchen von Belgrad und von Moskau (26. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 13:55 Bulgaria: Bulgarian Youths Urged to Be «Light» to the World (26. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 13:54 Bulgaria: Orthodoxie zufrieden über Verlauf der Papstreise (26. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 13:53 Bulgaria: Kardinal Kasper: Zuversicht über weitere Fortschritte in Ost-Ökumene (26. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 13:52 Bulgaria: Pope Highlights Martyrs' Ecumenism When Beatifying 3 Bulgarians (26. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 13:52 Bulgaria: Papst spricht in Plowdiw drei 1952 hingerichtete Märtyrer selig (26. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 13:50 Bulgaria: At Bulgarian Monastery, Pope Repeats Ecumenical Theme (25. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 13:48 Bulgaria: Muslim Leader Tells Pope of His Support Against Terrorism (26. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 13:48 Bulgaria: Prime Minister Grateful to Pope for Dismissing «Bulgarian Connection» (26. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 13:47 Bulgaria: John Paul II Pays Tribute to Orthodox Monasticism (26. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 13:46 Bulgaria: Pilgrimage to the Monastery of St. John of Rila (25. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 13:45 Bulgaria: Papst unternahm «Wallfahrt der Hubschrauber» ins Rila-Kloster (25. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 13:44 Bulgaria: Return to Christian Roots to Fight Erosion of Fundamental Values (24. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 13:43 Bulgaria: Document: John Paul II's Address to Bulgarian Orthodox Holy Synod (24. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 13:42 Bulgaria: Document: Joint Statement of the Vatican and the President of Bulgaria (24. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 13:40 Bulgaria: Pope Letting Bulgarian Orthodox Use a Historic Church in Rome (24. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 13:40 Bulgaria: Patriarch Maxim Shows Unexpected Welcome for John Paul II (24. mai 2002)
2002-05-27 13:39 Bulgaria: Pope Says He Never Believed in «Bulgarian Connection» (24. mai 2002)
2002-05-25 00:09 Bulgaria: Seligsprechung von drei Priester-Märtyrern in Plowdiw (24. mai 2002)
2002-05-25 00:08 Bulgaria: Pope Seen Sacrificing Health for Ecumenical Cause (24. mai 2002)
2002-05-25 00:06 Bulgaria: Papst: Europa muss sich auf christliche Wurzeln besinnen (24. mai 2002)
2002-05-25 00:06 Bulgaria: Rediscover Europe's Christian Roots, Bulgaria Urged (24. mai 2002)
2002-05-25 00:05 Bulgaria: Pope Stresses Ecumenism in Meeting Patriarch (24. mai 2002)
2002-05-25 00:04 Bulgaria: Versöhnliche Gesten Johannes Pauls II. in Bulgarien (24. mai 2002)
2002-05-25 00:02 Bulgaria: Division Damages Preaching of the Gospel (24. mai 2002)
2002-05-25 00:01 Bulgaria: «Bulgarian Connection» in Papal Assassination Try Dismissed (24. mai 2002)
2002-05-25 00:00 Bulgaria: Pope Disavows Bulgarian Connection in Attempt on His Life (24. mai 2002)
2002-05-24 23:59 Bulgaria: Gehörte «bulgarische Spur» zum Kalten Krieg? (24. mai 2002)
2002-05-24 23:58 Bulgaria: Papst besuchte orthodoxe Kathedrale von Sofia (24. mai 2002)
2002-05-24 23:56 Bulgaria: Sofia: Ausstellung über die Beziehungen Vatikan - Bulgarien (24. mai 2002)
2002-05-24 23:53 Bulgaria: Pope Praises «Heroic Fidelity» to Christ during Communism (23. mai 2002)
2002-05-24 23:52 Bulgaria: Ecumenism to Mark Papal Visit to Bulgaria (23. mai 2002)
2002-05-24 23:51 Bulgaria: Interview: Bulgarian President Says Pope Will Foster Unity Among Churches (23. mai 2002)
2002-05-24 23:50 Bulgaria: Document: John Paul II´s Address Upon Arrival in Bulgaria (23. mai 2002)
2002-05-24 23:49 Bulgaria: Never Ceased to Love You, Pope Tells Bulgarians (23. mai 2002)
2002-05-24 23:39 Aserbajdsjan: Pope Helps Us to Reconcile with Armenia, Says Azeri Artist (23. mai 2002)
2002-05-24 23:38 Aserbajdsjan: Document: Papal Homily During Mass Celebrated in Baku (23. mai 2002)
2002-05-24 23:37 Aserbajdsjan: John Paul II Bids Azerbaijan Farewell (23. mai 2002)
2002-05-24 23:36 Aserbajdsjan: Once Again, Catholics in Baku May Get a Church (23. mai 2002)
2002-05-23 23:47 Bulgaria: Pope Reaches Bulgaria: Ecumenism Is Top Priority (23. mai 2002)
2002-05-23 23:46 Bulgaria: Papst in Bulgarien eingetroffen (23. mai 2002)
2002-05-23 23:45 Aserbajdsjan/Bulgaria: Papst aus Aserbaidschan abgeflogen (23. mai 2002)
2002-05-23 23:42 Aserbajdsjan: Papst dankt Azerbaidschans Katholiken für Glaubenstreue (23. mai 2002)
2002-05-23 23:41 Aserbajdsjan: Pope Celebrates Mass in Azerbaijan (23. mai 2002)
2002-05-23 14:03 Aserbajdsjan: Als Missionar im Kaukasus (23. mai 2002)
2002-05-23 09:53 Bulgaria: Die katholische Kirche ist in Bulgarien eine kleine Minderheit (23. mai 2002)
2002-05-23 09:51 Aserbajdsjan: Document: Papal Address To Representatives Of Religions, Politics, Culture, And Art (22. mai 2002)
2002-05-23 09:50 Aserbajdsjan: Document: John Paul II's Address Upon Arrival In Azerbaijan (22. mai 2002)
2002-05-23 09:49 Aserbajdsjan: Interview: Orthodox Church Welcomes Pope To Azerbaijan (22. mai 2002)
2002-05-23 09:48 Aserbajdsjan: People Are Beginning To Knock On Church's Door In Azerbaijan (22. mai 2002)
2002-05-23 09:47 Aserbajdsjan: Muslims Glad To Greet Pope (22. mai 2002)
2002-05-23 09:47 Aserbajdsjan: John Paul II Denounces All Violence In The Name Of God Upon Arrival In Baku (22. mai 2002)
2002-05-23 09:46 Aserbajdsjan: «As Long As I Have Breath Within Me I Shall Cry Out: 'Peace, In The Name Of God!'» John Paul II Says (22. mai 2002)
2002-05-23 00:36 Bulgaria: Papal Trip Background: Bulgaria and Ecumenism (22. mai 2002)
2002-05-23 00:36 Aserbajdsjan/Bulgaria: Papal Trip Background: John Paul Faces Health Restrictions (22. mai 2002)
2002-05-23 00:35 Aserbajdsjan: Papal Trip Background: Azerbaijan (22. mai 2002)
2002-05-23 00:34 Aserbajdsjan: Papal Address Ends First Day in Azerbaijan (22. mai 2002)
2002-05-23 00:33 Aserbajdsjan: Pope Arrives in Azerbaijan (22. mai 2002)
2002-05-22 18:11 Bulgaria: Bridge Between Rome And Orthodoxy (21. mai 2002)
2002-05-22 18:10 Bulgaria: Pope Will Beatify Three Martyrs Of Communism In Bulgaria (21. mai 2002)
2002-05-22 17:55 Aserbajdsjan: «Everyone Must Be Committed to Peace» (22. mai 2002)
2002-05-22 17:54 Aserbajdsjan: A Papal «First»: John Paul II to Stay in Hotel in Azerbaijan (22. mai 2002)
2002-05-22 17:49 Aserbajdsjan: Azerbaijan's Few Catholics Ready to Greet Pope (21. mai 2002)
2002-05-22 17:47 Aserbajdsjan: Papst in Azerbaidschan: Nie wieder Krieg im Namen Gottes! (22. mai 2002)
2002-05-22 17:45 Aserbajdsjan: Auch gläubige Muslime freuten sich in Baku über den Papst (22. mai 2002)
2002-05-22 17:44 Aserbajdsjan: Eindringlicher Friedensappell des Papstes bei Ankunft in Baku (22. mai 2002)
2002-05-22 17:43 Aserbajdsjan: Papstreise: Hebebühne für Johannes Paul II. (22. mai 2002)
2002-05-22 17:42 Bulgaria: Neuer Band über "Das Papsttum und Bulgarien" (22. mai 2002)
2002-05-21 15:33 Aserbajdsjan: Papst Johannes Paul II. in der Ölmetropole Baku (21. mai 2002)
2002-05-21 15:31 Aserbajdsjan/Bulgaria: Papst reist nach Azerbaidschan und Bulgarien (21. mai 2002)
2002-05-19 22:24 Bulgaria: «Papst hat hohen Respekt vor der Kultur und Tradition Bulgariens» (18. mai 2002)
2002-05-19 22:19 Bulgaria: Staat stellt Geld für Papstbesuch zur Verfügung (16. mai 2002)
2002-05-15 10:06 Bulgaria: Pope Going To Bulgaria To Promote Dialogue With Orthodoxy (14. mai 2002)
2002-05-13 13:44 Azerbaijan: State of Religious Liberty Before the Papal Visit (9. mai 2002)
2002-05-13 09:30 Bulgaria: Der Papst besucht das Stammland der slawischen Orthodoxie (13. mai 2002)
2002-05-13 09:29 Aserbajdsjan: Kurzbesuch Papst Johannes Pauls II. in Baku (13. mai 2002)
2002-05-13 09:28 Bulgaria: Papst legt Bulgarien-Besuch bewusst ökumenisch an (12. mai 2002)
2002-05-07 10:44 Bulgaria: Drei Millionen wollen den Papst begrüßen (7. mai 2002)
2002-05-06 10:55 Bulgaria: Bulgarian Prime Minister to Receive "Path to Peace" Award (3. mai 2002)
2002-05-03 09:47 Bulgaria: Bulgarian Leader Named Peace-Prize Winner (2. mai 2002)
2002-05-03 09:41 Bulgaria: Web Site to Offer Live Coverage of Bulgaria Visit (2. mai 2002)
2002-05-02 11:22 Vatikanet: Itinerary Outlined for Trip to Azerbaijan and Bulgaria (30. april 2002)
2002-05-02 10:38 Aserbajdsjan/Bulgaria: Papstreise nach Aserbaidschan und Bulgarien: Programm veröffentlicht (30. april 2002)
2002-04-29 21:46 Vatikanet: Paven saligkårer tre martyrprester i Bulgaria (24. april 2002)
2002-04-19 12:01 Vatikanet: Paven først til Aserbajdsjan på Bulgaria-reisen (3. april 2002)
2002-04-09 08:37 Aserbajdsjan/Bulgaria: 2 Cultures Await Pope on Azerbaijan-Bulgaria Trip (7. april 2002)
2002-03-06 14:45 Bulgaria: Päpstlicher "Reisemarschall" in Bulgarien (6. mars 2002)
2002-02-25 20:19 Vatikanet: Paven planlegger nye reiser (21. februar 2002)
2002-02-19 23:55 Bulgaria: Papst bereitet Bulgarienreise vor (19. februar 2002)