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Publisert 6. januar 2011 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

SOFIA, May 24, 02 (CWNews.com) - As he met with Bulgarian community leaders, in the «palace of culture» in the capital city of Sofia, Pope John Paul II insisted that Bulgaria has an important place in the European community.

Bulgaria, the Pope said, could help the old continent recover its Christian heritage. Pointing out that eastern Europe traces its Christian lineage back to Sts. Cyril and Methodius, the patrons of Bulgaria (whose feast was being celebrated), the Pontiff said the faith is «one of the most solid cultural points of reference» for all of Europe.

The Pope spoke to about 3,500 people in a large auditorum. At the conclusion of his discourse, he presented the Catholic bishops of Bulgaria with the first available copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church in their native language. He offered a second copy to the members of the Orthodox hierarchy.

The evening even concluded with a short concert, with local musicians performing in the Pope's honor. Then John Paul-- visibly exhausted by the day's activities-- returned to the residence of the papal nuncio, where he will spend the night.

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24. mai 2002

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