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113. The Congregation for Catholic Education asks local ordinaries and superiors of religious congregations dedicated to the education of youth to bring these reflections to the attention of all teachers and directors of Catholic schools. At the same time, the Congregation wishes to affirm once again that it is fully conscious of the important service they offer - to youth and to the Church.

114. Therefore the Congregation extends warm thanks to all those engaged in this work: for all they have done, and for all that they continue to do in spite of political, economic, and practical difficulties. For many, to continue in this mission involves great sacrifice. The Church is deeply grateful to everyone dedicated to the educational mission in a Catholic school; it is confident that, with the help of God, many others will be called to join in this mission and will respond generously.

115. The Congregation would like to suggest that further study, research, and experimentation be done in all areas that affect the religious dimension of education in Catholic schools. Much has been done, but many people are asking for even more. This is surely possible in every school whose freedom is sufficiently protected by civil law. It may be difficult in those countries which allow the Catholic school as an academic institution, but where the religious dimension leads to constant conflict. Local experience must be the determining factor in such situations; however, to the extent that it is possible, a religious dimension should always be present - either in the school or outside its walls. There has never been a shortage of families and students, of different faiths and religions, who choose a Catholic school because they appreciate the value of an education where instruction is enhanced by a religious dimension. Educators will know the best way to respond to their expectations, knowing that, in a world of cultural pluralism, dialogue always gives grounds for hope.

Rome, April 7, 1988,

Feast of St. John Baptist de La Salle, Principal Patron of teachers.

William Cardinal Baum, Prefect

Antonio M. Javierre Ortas, Titular Archbishop of Meta, Secretary
