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Publisert 4. november 2016 | Oppdatert 4. november 2016

Mandag 21. november arrangeres et stort økumenisk seminar om rettferdiggjørelseslæren på Menighetsfakultetet i Oslo.


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Justification 1517-2017:

From Stumbling Stone to Common Ground


Venue: MF Norwegian School of Theology, Oslo

Date: Monday 21th November 2016 at 10.00-16.00


Seminar Schedule:

09-10: Registration and Coffee

10.00: Welcome by Rector Vidar Haanes, MF


* Professor Stephanie Dietrich: Justification – From Stumbling Stone to Common Ground. Introduction.

* Bishop Emeritus Dr. Walter Klaiber: Justification – Does it still matter? Ecumenical and Methodist reflections after Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification and 500 years of Reformation.

*Response: Professor Turid Karlsen Seim

12.00: Lunch


*Bishop Emeritus Dr. Eero Huovinen: Justification in the Life of the Church

*Panel: Common Ground – Where do we go from here? Spiritual and Ethical Perspectives.

Secretary General Sr. Madeleine Fredell OP, Bishop Christian Alsted, Presiding Bishop Helga Haugland Byfuglien

*Remarks: Bishop Bernt Eidsvig and Bishop Ole Christian Kvarme


16.00: End



Registration before 10th November to Liv Janne Dehlin at e-mail: ld967@kirken.no Please note your name, post and e-mail address and which church/organisation/institution you come from.

Fee: NOK 300. Students: NOK 100. Lunch is included.

You will receive an invoice from the Church of Norway for the fee.


Organizer: The Contact Group between The United Methodist Church in Norway and Church of Norway. Co-organizers: MF Norwegian School of Theology and the Catholic-Lutheran Contact Group in Norway.