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Publisert 29. september 2014 | Oppdatert 29. september 2014

Å formidle familien: Et priveligert sted for møtet med kjærlighetens gave

Dette er temaet for Verdensdagen for sosial kommunikasjon, som markeres den 17. mai 2015. Som en forlengelse av spørsmålene som skal diskuteres ved de kommende bispesynodene i 2014/2015, har Det pavelige råd for sosial kommunikasjon også valgt å fokusere på familien, og hvordan Kirken «på nytt må lære å vise at familien er en stor gave, noe godt og skjønt».

Fra news.va:

Today, how can we tell people who are perhaps wounded and disillusioned that love between a man and a woman is a good thing? How can we help children know that they are a most precious gift? How can we warm the hearts of people, especially those who are wounded and disappointed, and help them rediscover the beauty of love? How can we show that the family is the privileged place where we experience the beauty of life, the joy and the gift of love, the consolation of forgiveness offered and received, and the encounter with the other?

Today the Church must learn again how to show that the family is a great gift, something good and beautiful. The Church is called to show more vividly that the gift of love, which the bride and groom offer each other, draws all people to God. It is an exciting task because it moves people to look at the true reality of the human person, and it opens the doors to the future, that is, to life.

Pavens budskap til mediesøndagen slippes tradisjonelt den 24. januar, på minnedagen for Den hellige Frans av Sales, skytshelgen for journalister og skribenter.

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