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Publisert 29. april 2014 | Oppdatert 29. april 2014

Ole Christian M. Kvarme tildeles fortjenstmedaljen (med sølvstjerne) for sin årelange og utrettelige innsats for å fremme dialog og vennskap på tvers av tro. Han har nedlagt betydelig arbeid for å fremme solidaritet mellom kristne og andre minoriteter som lever under vanskelige forhold i Det hellige land. Også hans engasjement for den jødiske minoriteten i Norge er vel kjent. 

Trond Bakkevig tildeles fortjenstmedaljen for sin innsats for fred og dialog mellom religiøse institusjoner i Det hellige land. Særlig i rollen som Convener of the Council of Religious Institutions of the Holy Land har Bakkevig bidratt til å fasilitere og opprettholde viktig kontakt og dialog mellom religiøse ledere og til å ansvarliggjøre partene til å fremme fred lokalt. Bakkevig mottok i 2013 Kong Abdullah II av Jordans fortjenstmedalje Al-Hussein. I 2011 ble han utnevnt til kommandør av St. Olavs orden for sitt samfunnsgagnlige virke. Siden 1996 har han vært æreskannik ved den anglikanske Cathedral of the Holy Cross i Gaborone i Botswana.

Overrekkelsen av ordensinsigniene finner sted fredag den 2. mai, i anledning kardinalstormester O’Briens norgesbesøk. Helene Lund, magistraldelegat (leg leder) for gravridderne i Norge, foretar overrekkelsen i nærvær av kardinal O’Brien og biskop Bernt Eidsvig. I St. Olav domkirke (Oslo) kl. 15.00 samme dag vil stormesteren oppta biskop Eidsvig som ridderkommandør og ny storprior for Norge.

Ordensinsigniene er et gullkantet, rødemaljert Bouillon-kors lagt på en tornekrone. Båndet er av hvit silke med tre langsgående røde striper. Fortjenestemedaljen finnes i tre klasser, hvorav medaljen med sølvstjerne kun tildeles biskoper. 

Ridderordenen av den hellige grav i Jerusalem har lange historiske røtter, men ble modernisert av pave Pius IX i 1847 i forbindelse med reetableringen av det latinske patriarkat i Jerusalem. Oppdraget til ordenen har siden den tid vært å være en verdensvid åndelig og økonomisk støtte for det latinske patriarkat, slik at kirker i Det hellige land kan betjene både fastboende og pilegrimer. I tillegg driver patriarkatet utstrakt skolevirksomhet samt helseinstitusjoner, et arbeid ridderordenen har fått i oppdrag å bære økonomisk. Det er dog medlemmenes tro og åndelige liv som er selve bærebjelken i ordenen, og medlemmene, som i hovedsak er legfolk, har forpliktet seg til å leve i overensstemmelse med sin katolske tro på Jesu død og oppstandelse, noe som skal vise seg i gavmildhet. Ordenen fikk sitt første norske medlem i 2004, og den 1. januar 2008 ble det opprettet en egen avdeling (magistral delegasjon) i Norge.

Oslo, 29. april 2014
Ridderordenen av den hellige grav i Jerusalem
Den norske magistrale delegasjon



On recommendation from the Norwegian Magisterial Delegation of The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem (OESSH), the Cardinal Grand Master Edwin Frederick O’Brien will award the Lutheran Bishop of Oslo, Ole Christian M. Kvarme, and acting Bishop of Oslo, Trond Bakkevig, Dean of Vestre Aker, the order’s Decoration of Merit. The decoration is awarded non-members who through their life and work have contributed with something good and important for the Holy Land.

Bishop Ole Christian M. Kvarme will be awarded with the Medal of Merit (with a silver star) for his long standing and tireless effort to promote dialogue and friendship between people of different faiths. He has invested a significant amount of work in promoting solidarity between Christians and other minorities who live under difficult circumstances in the Holy Land. His commitment on behalf of the Jewish minority in Norway is also well known.

Dr. Rev. Canon Trond Bakkevig will be awarded the Medal of Merit for his efforts to promote peace and dialogue between religious institutions in the Holy Land. Particularly in his role as Convener of the Council of Religious Institutions of the Holy Land, Bakkevig has helped facilitate and maintain important contact and dialogue between religious leaders, and has helped make the parties take responsibility for promoting peace locally. In 2013, Bakkevig was awarded the Jordanian Medal of Merit, Al-Hussein, by king Abdullah II. In 2011, he was appointed commander of the Royal Norwegian Order of St. Olav, for his socially beneficial work. Since 1996, he has been an honorary canon at the Anglican Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Gaborone, Botswana.

The presentation of the insignia will take place on Friday, May 2 on the occasion of Cardinal Grand Master O’Brians visit to Norway. Dr. Helene Lund, Magisterial Delegate (lay leader) of the Knights in Norway, will carry out the presentation in the presence of Cardinal O’Brian and Bishop Bernt Eidsvig. On the same day, at 3 pm, the Grand Master will receive Bishop Eidsvig into the order as a Knight Commander and the new Grand Prior of Norway, at St. Olav Cathedral (Oslo).

The insignia of the order is a gilt-edged, red enameled Bouillon-cross situated on a crown of thorns. The ribbon is made of white silk with three longitudinal red stripes. The Medal of Merit exists in three classes. The medal with a silver star is only awarded Bishops.

The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem has deep historical roots, but was modernized by Pope Pius IX in 1847 in connection with the re-establishment of the Latin Patriarchy in Jerusalem. Since then, the order’s task has been to serve as a worldwide spiritual and financial support for the Latin Patriarchy, in order for churches in the Holy Land to be able to serve both residents and pilgrims. In addition, the Patriarchy manages extensive school operations and health institutions, a task the order of knights has been appointed to uphold financially. Nevertheless, the faith and spiritual life of the members is the very pillar and foundation of the order and its members, who for the most part are laypeople who have committed themselves to live in accordance with their Catholic faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus, a faith that ought to manifest itself through generosity. The order received its first Norwegian member in 2004, and on January 1, 2008, a separate division (magisterial delegation) was established in Norway.

Oslo, April 29, 2014
The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem
Norwegian magisterial delegation