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Publisert 12. november 2013 | Oppdatert 12. november 2013

The Catholic Church in Norway is channeling its financial aid through Caritas Norway, which already has people on location at the stricken areas. (Donate here)

As a response to these horrific events, St. Olav parish, in cooperation with the Sacred Heart Filippino Chaplency and the Couples for Christ Foundation for family and Life (CFC-FFL), has felt an urgent need to contribute with practical aid to the affected areas.

We are therefore immediately starting a collection of clothes, toilet articles and school materials, which we will send to the Philippines in prepaid boxes. 

You can contribute to this project in two different ways:

1. Donate money for shipment:

The shipping cost for each box is NOK 800. You can donate cash during the church coffee in St. Olav this coming Sunday (Akersveien 5), from 09.00-15.00, or transfer money to the parish bank account: 7877.08.90526, please indicate that the donation is for “Filippinene”.

2. Donate clothes, blankets, toilet articles and school materials, such as notebooks and pencils.

Practical information: Your donations can be delivered during weekdays to the diocesan reception in Akersveien 5, from 09.00-15.00. Saturdays in Ungdomslokalet (Akersveien 5, basement, 10-17). Sunday: Menighetsssalen, 09.00-15.00. The collection will end next Tuesday, November 19th.

The distribution of the boxes will be channeled through the cathedral parish of St. Nino, in Tacloban City. If donations exceed our expences, the rest will be donated to Caritas.

Thank you for your generosity, and please keep the people of the Philippines in your prayers.

Do you have practical questions? Please call the parish office of St. Olav, 22 98 21 65, or the reception at Akersveien 5, 23 21 95 00.

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