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Publisert 14. mai 2010 | Oppdatert 14. mai 2010

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Cisterciensernonnene på Tautra har hele tiden sagt at det ikke er aktuelt låne penger til klosterbyggingen. Siden prosjektet er svært omfattende, har det ikke vært utelukket at byggingen måtte skje i flere etapper. Nå har søstrene imidlertid fått tilsagn på nok gaver til å ferdigstille byggearbeidene i én omgang. Disse nyhetene kommer samtidig med at arbeidet med å legge taket på klosterkirken er i gang. Kirken vil kunne romme 120 mennesker.

I nonnenes engelske nyhetsbrev, "Tautringer", forteller de om den gledelige nyheten:

"We have wonderful financial news. We are now assured of not having to stop construction since we have received enough in pledges for 2006 to complete our contract. We should actually have enough to buy some furniture and give the gardens a good start. We want to thank especially all of you who responded so generously to help create beautiful interior gardens. Our next pressing need is larger equipment for our herbal soap industry. We are excited that sculptor Knut Wold is designing our altar, tabernacle and lecturn, and donating his time and exceptional talent. The larvikite (Labrador granite) is also a (3 ton) gift of the owner of the quarry in Larvik, Thor Lundh. Our abbey in Scourmont, Belgium, is giving us our choir stalls and desks, which will be made in ash by their carpenters, together with benches for our guests. We are so grateful to all our benefactors, and we are daily in awe of God's providence. Like the Northern Lights, God is always there. But we can see the beautiful activity only when it's cold and dark. So it is with faith: when we walk with loving trust into the unknown, it is then that God bursts forth with the most brilliant displays of his grace."

På nonnenes egne hjemmesider kan du følge byggeprosessen blant annet gjennom webkamera på tomten!

KI-Katolsk Informasjonstjeneste (Oslo) / www.nuk.no / Tautringen (2. februar 2006)

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