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Publisert 20. april 2005 | Oppdatert 20. april 2005

The election of our new Pope is not only a source of great joy and hope for Catholics throughout the world, it is also an important event for the whole human family. At the beginning of the third millennium we are blessed with a deeper sense of our common humanity and with a shared sense of responsibility in striving for a more just and peaceful world.

Pope Benedict XVI will play a critical part in progressing this search, in engaging with people of all faiths and none in constructive dialogue about the joy and hopes, the challenges and the fears of the world. This is a daunting prospect.

So I ask Catholics throughout Ireland and all people of good will to pray for Pope Benedict XVI the 264th successor to Saint Peter as he begins his pontificate.

ZEN - Zenit (20. april 2005)

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