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Publisert 6. januar 2011 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

VATICAN, Sep 16, 02 (CWNews.com) - Russian Orthodox Patriarch Alexei II has once again stated that he is willing to meet with Pope John Paul II-- provided that Vatican agrees to his long-standing conditions.

Father Vsevolod Chapline, the spokesman for the Patriarchate of Moscow, made the formal statement: «Alexei II is ready to meet John Paul II in a neutral country, on the condition that the current problems between the two churches are resolved.»

In his statement-- made during an interview with Russian reporters-- Father Chapline did not respond to the urgent demands from Rome for a halt to the expulsions Catholic priests from Russia. His Vatican counterpart, Joaquin Navarro-Valls, had said that Catholics face «veritable persecution» in that country, after 5 priests were forced to leave.

Father Chapline said that Slovenia would be one excellent example of a «neutral» country in which a meeting between Patriarch Alexei and Pope John Paul could take place. Slovenia, he observed, enjoys warm relations with both Moscow and Rome.

However, the Orthodox spokesman insisted, no «summit meeting» can take place until the Moscow patriarchate receives satisfactory responses to its demands that Catholics cease «proselytism» in Russia and other traditionally Orthodox countries.

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16. september 2002

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