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Publisert 6. januar 2011 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

JERUSALEM (CWNews.com) - Pope John Paul II concluded his historic trip to the Holy Land on Sunday, March 26, when he celebrated Mass at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the basilica built above the spot where Jesus was buried.

The area around the ancient basilica, inside the walled Old City of Jerusalem, is ordinarily a bustling marketplace. But the little sidewalk shops were closed, for security reasons, during the Pope's visit to the church, and the streets leading to the basilica were blocked. The Pope traveled through the narrow streets in a special, small car supplied by the police. A series of ramps had been set up to enable to vehicle to reach the door of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, so that the Pope-- who is increasingly unsteady on his feet-- would not have to walk.

The Pontiff was greeted at the door by the custodians of the basilica: the Catholic, Greek Orthodox, and Armenian Apostolic administrators who share responsibility for the building. Because of longstanding conflicts over control of the basilica, the division of responsibilities among these three Christian groups is ordinarily quite rigorous and detailed. But in this case, exceptions were made and the three chief custodians worked together smoothly to welcome the Pope.

Inside the basilica, the Pontiff headed immediately to the grotto marking Christ's tomb. There he knelt in silent prayer, leaning down to kiss the stone.

Later, as he celebrated Mass in the basilica, the Holy Father commented on that visit to the tomb. "The tomb is empty," he observed. "That is a silent witness to the central event in human history: the Resurrection of our savior Jesus Christ."

The Pope continued by suggesting that all Christians should look upon the Passion of Christ as an invitation to "overcome our divisions and work together to build a future of reconciliation, unity, and peace." Speaking at the successor to St. Peter, he repeated the words of the first Pope: "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life."

After the Mass, the Pope led the Angelus prayer, remarking that as he honored the Virgin Mary, he was joining her at the foot of the Cross. (The site of the Crucifixion is also located inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, upstairs from the grotto that contains the tomb.) In this prayer, the Pope said, it is important for Christians to recognize their sins, and ask for the Lord's mercy.

After leaving the basilica, the Holy Father met with the Catholic bishops and patriarchs of the Holy Land, at the residence of the Latin-rite Patriarch Michel Sabbah of Jerusalem. Then he headed for the airport and his return flight to Rome-- completing the 91st foreign voyage of his pontificate.

Catholic World News Service - Vatican Update

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