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Publisert 6. januar 2011 | Oppdatert 6. januar 2011

VATICAN CITY, MAR 26, 2000 (VIS) - At midday today, the Pope celebrated Mass in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. Prior to the Mass, he prayed at the stone of anointment and the empty tomb of the Resurrection and was accompanied in procession to the Chapel of the Apparition where the Eucharistic celebration took place.

According to tradition, the Holy Sepulchre is located on the site where Jesus was crucified, buried and rose again. At the present time, the basilica is regulated by the Status Quo and co-owned by the three communities; Latin (represented by the Friars Minor), Greek Orthodox and Armenian Orthodox. Coptic, Syrian and Ethiopian Orthodox may officiate in the basilica.

At the entrance of the basilica, in the atrium, is the stone of anointment, a long block of polished red limestone. Surrounded by candelabra and eight lamps, it constitutes the thirteenth station of the 'Via crucis' (Way of the Cross). According to tradition, this marks the spot where Jesus, having been taken from the cross, was anointed. In the center of the shrine and housed within a rectangular structure, lies the Holy Sepulchre itself, the fourteenth station of the 'Via crucis'. The facade of the structure is covered with hanging lamps and silver spheres. Over the door there are three depictions of the Resurrection: Latin, Greek and Armenian. The small wooden door is always open except during the moment that the Armenian or Greek celebrant must remain alone, as prescribed by the liturgy. The structure houses a small vestibule called the Chapel of the Angel (announcement of the Resurrection to the holy women). A further door gives access to the Holy Sepulchre itself where a marble slab covers the original stone upon which Jesus' body was placed.

At the start of his homily, the Holy Father said: "Here, in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, I kneel before the place of His burial: 'Behold, the place where they laid Him'. ... The tomb is empty. It is a silent witness to the central event of human history: the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ."

He continued: "Here, where our Lord Jesus Christ died in order to gather into one the children of God who were scattered, may the Father of mercies strengthen our desire for unity and peace among all who have received the gift of new life through the saving waters of Baptism."

The Pope affirmed that "the good news of the Resurrection can never be separated from the mystery of the Cross. ... The Resurrection of Jesus is the definitive seal of all God's promises, the birth-place of a new, risen humanity. ... At the dawn of a new millennium, Christians can and ought to look to the future with steadfast trust in the glorious power of the Risen One to make all things new."

"From this place, where the Resurrection was first made known to the women and then to the Apostles, I urge all the Church's members to renew their obedience to the Lord's command to take the Gospel to all the ends of the earth." He concluded with the words: "Today, as the unworthy Successor of Peter, I wish to repeat these words as we celebrate the Eucharistic Sacrifice in this, the most hallowed place on earth. With all of redeemed humanity, I make my own the words which Peter the Fisherman spoke to Christ, the Son of the living God: 'Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life'."

Following Mass and before praying the Angelus, John Paul II said: "With Mary, 'Mater dolorosa', we stand in the shadow of the Cross and weep with her over the affliction of Jerusalem and over the sins of the world. ... Realizing the terrible consequences of sin, we are moved to repentance for our own sins and for the sins of the Church's children in every age. O Mary, conceived without sin, help us on the path to conversion."

The Pope then travelled to the Latin patriarchate of Jerusalem where he had lunch with the patriarchs, bishops and the members of his entourage. He then went to the apostolic delegation to rest.

Vatican Information Service

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